I began this week by tuning in to the Monday radio shows, which was a delightful experience that exposed me to a wide range of perspectives and thoughts regarding the project. Go here to read my opinions regarding a few of the radio shows: Radio Show Thoughts. Our class connects well when we get on Discord and watch everyone chat and share insights during each show. It was a lot of fun because we don’t do this very frequently. After that, I had a conversation with Rishi, my partner for the video project, and we started laying out our plan. After some time, we came to a consensus on an outline that we both liked, and I created a blog post about it titled “Digital Discoveries in Video Project Plan” (Video Project Plan). I can’t wait to begin work on this video project later this week and early the following week. I believe Rishi and I have created a solid outline, and my hope is that we can incorporate all of our ideas into the final product. I then created three daily posts: Daily Create #1, Daily Create #2, and Daily Create #3. I attempt to complete the daily creations as early in the day as possible since I think they help me get started on other things that has to be done and they also seem to stimulate my brain. I loved looking at my classmates’ work as I concluded the week by making typical comments. Based on their daily creations and videos, I get the impression that many of my classmates are highly creative individuals.

Starting with the radio show listening assignment, I thoroughly enjoyed both of this week’s assignments. We shouldn’t take advantage of these rare opportunities to engage in class activities, therefore we should treasure each one of them. In contrast to my group, I found it interesting to hear how other people choose to do their radio show. I also liked how many of us were using Discord throughout the radio shows, as I indicated in the line above. Next, it was fun to plan and outline the video project. We lay the framework for creating the video the next week and have a ton of exciting stuff in mind for it. In any case, working with Rishi was enjoyable, and I hope everything goes smoothly the next week!

I really wouldn’t alter a thing. I believe I did the best I could on each assignment. At this moment, I have no questions. As of right now, everything is completed accurately thus there aren’t any significant problems with my work.

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