Fortunately, I was able to listen to both radio shows on Monday night because I would be unable to attend the other shows on Tuesday or Wednesday. Logic Pod was the first to play on Monday, and Ravioli Radio came next.

What I think about the Logic Pod is as follows: This podcast’s conversation, in my opinion, mostly concentrated on the negative elements of AI, especially the argument about AI supremacy and how it might be utilized as a weapon. The goal of the radio program, in my opinion, seems to be raising awareness about artificial intelligence and the need for increased human conversation about it given its pervasiveness in today’s world. I even recall seeing the speaker or guest suggest creating towns or nations that are only accessible to AI, which seems like a completely absurd concept. As I write this on Wednesday, I can’t quite recall what I was thinking when I was listening, but I do recall that the most of the podcasters seemed to support AI as a sort of militarization, though I can clearly recall one who merely seemed to support its ethical use. The topic of AI rights was also discussed during the show, with varying viewpoints from the participants. The show’s quality was excellent in my opinion, particularly the background music and transitions. One of our group members employed AI-generated voices, which gave a distinctive element that, in my opinion, improved the listening experience for myself. Like my show, I felt that asking questions and getting other points of view led to an interesting conversation that resembled actual discussions. All in all, I thought the show was fascinating and did a good job of addressing the AI theme of our course.

In addition to enjoying the two audio shows, I had a great time interacting with the class on Discord!

One Reply to “Radio Shows were….Great!”

  1. Great analysis of the radio shows! I also listened to the Logic Pod podcast show and had similar thoughts to what you had and so I can definitely say that we were on the same page. Keep up the great work!

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